Saturday, October 23, 2010

PDF Creator--A Must for Font Lovers

I literally have bushels of fonts downloaded on my personal computer to use for fun projects like flyers and for more serious stuff like my resume. The biggest problem with having so many neato fonts is sending a document to someone who doesn't have neato fonts. You may not even realize what the document you formatted so nicely looks like when a prospective client/boss opens it up on a computer that does not have Aubrey, or Swenson, or Honey Script. A mess! That's what it looks like. That computer will replace the beautiful font you've selected with someone that comes standard, so if you've resized and placed your font just so, it's not likely to look anything like that on the other end.

That's why you need a--ta da!--PDF creator. This one was recommended by the computer guy at my corporate office. It is free and easy to use. Just download, then select it as your printer. Select Print and it will create a PDF version of your document be it a Photoshop, Office, or whatever sort of file. Or, if you have the full Adobe Acrobat Pro you can select Create PDF, then From File, and presto! Now you can send anyone a tidy version of your document with all of your fonts just the way you wanted them.

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