Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bathroom Shelf = Tidy Countertop

I think an easy trick to making your house look tidier is keeping things up and off counter tops. The bathroom vanity is no exception. I installed a simple shelf above my vanity to keep all of the items I use daily within reach without cluttering up my counter. I hot glued the hook from hook and eyes right to wall to store and display three of my favorite brooches. The hooks are just the right size to hold your jewelry without being too noticeable.You can also hot glue hooks inside your cabinet to hang necklaces. It keeps them from getting tangled, keeps them out of little boxes so you'll actually wear them, and is a nice bit of sparkle whenever you open your cupboard.
If you find it difficult to get your chunkier jewelry on the hook, bend it out a bit before you glue it to your wall or cabinet.


  1. Love the tip about hooks for jewelry! I may have to try that...

  2. LOOOOOOVE THIS idea!!! I'll have to try this :)
