Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easy & Cheap Artwork

Bare walls, while at times can be part of the design plan, often look like you ran out of oomph to finish a room. One reason why? Art is expensive! D*S recently offered up some excellent examples of DIY wall decor, which prompted me to share my homemade art with you. Frankly, if you frame something up, it will look like art. Seriously, take old newspaper or feathers or gum wrappers and put them in a frame. Looks pretty nifty, doesn't it?

  1. Rows of cardstock bulletin board edges found in my mom's basement. Lined up they look like a continuous piece of art.

  2. Wrapping paper purchased while studying abroad. A useful keepsake.

  3. A yellowed US Flag from a newspaper taken from the break room at my office.

  4. Scraps of fabric pieced together to look like a quilt block.

  5. An empty frame around a picture simply taped to the wall. Adds depth and interest.

  6. If you craft and don't have a jar of buttons laying around you're crazy (or maybe just organized). Glue buttons onto cardstock or whatever and place in frame. Stick to a cohesive palate or go crazy.
IKEA and thrift stores are my favorite sources for frames. You can easily get a new piece of glass or mat cut to fit, so don't worry about finding a frame by itself.

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